Saturday, December 15, 2012

Attract Consumers Online to Get Them In Stores

Many companies do not recognize the in-store benefits of online promotions. A newly released study from Wanderful Media shows that 91 % of the 1,000 US adults surveyed “have gone into a store as a result of an online experience.” Some examples of these multiple online experiences are email promotions, coupons, and online ads. E-mail has proven to be the most common channel for sending consumers into stores. While in stores, 77% of respondents said that they had only gone online to check prices or other product specs. Most of this group was Millennials (nearly 85%) and the majority of these people used smartphones while some used tablets.

This study shows that consumers prefer to search online on search engines to look up their product so they know “exactly what was being purchased.” Stores could easily use online promotions to drive consumers to their own brick and mortar locations. 


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