Saturday, December 15, 2012

Attract Consumers Online to Get Them In Stores

Many companies do not recognize the in-store benefits of online promotions. A newly released study from Wanderful Media shows that 91 % of the 1,000 US adults surveyed “have gone into a store as a result of an online experience.” Some examples of these multiple online experiences are email promotions, coupons, and online ads. E-mail has proven to be the most common channel for sending consumers into stores. While in stores, 77% of respondents said that they had only gone online to check prices or other product specs. Most of this group was Millennials (nearly 85%) and the majority of these people used smartphones while some used tablets.

This study shows that consumers prefer to search online on search engines to look up their product so they know “exactly what was being purchased.” Stores could easily use online promotions to drive consumers to their own brick and mortar locations. 


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Who's really using online coupons?

According to a new study by RevTrax, a digital coupon marketing provider, more affluent consumers are more likely to use online coupons than lower income consumers. RevTrax identifies the leading locations and demographic trends ties to digital coupon activity. The data from this study was collected in Q2 2012 and was based on millions of online transactions.

This study named five top demographic categories that stood out as “most likely to use digital coupons.” The following are the categories:

Many companies assume that low-income consumers are most likely to use digital coupons. This study showed that “areas with higher income levels use the most digital coupons, activating nearly 100% more coupons than those at or around the media income level.”

Many companies could benefit from using online coupons. It’s a smart Internet marketing strategy for businesses with a higher-income target market!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Facebook Do's

I stumbled upon an informative blog post by internet marketing blogger Tiffani Frey, who regularly publishes a daily blog on Frey reminds small business owners that what may work on a personal level on Facebook does not always work the same in a business setting. Being a college student who has both a personal Facebook and multiple professional pages under my management, I can vouch for this fact! Many business savvy people attempt to create a social media  presence online and fail to realize that their professional page must be handled differently than their personal page. For example, people following Target on Twitter don't want to know about the troubled love life of Target's underpaid social media intern... in short-- personal overshares are frowned upon in the social media world. Not only in business, but in general. 

In her blog post, Frey advises businesses on Facebook to:

• Ask for action on every post
I agree that admisistrators should encourage users to post, comment, share, or like their posts, but I don't believe that ALL posts must have a call to action. Users will not like or comment on every status, and continually asking them to do so may become annoying to make them feel as if their interaction is being undervalued and seen as quantity versus quality. It is essential to encourage dialogue on your Facebook wall, but demanding users provide all of the content for your social media profile may be asking for too much. 

• Use Facebook Insights
Over the last 5 years, Facebook Insights has grown on me. In it's earlier stages, I truly considered it useless, as it used to only provide general numerical information versus the more detailed information that it offers now. Using Facebook Insights can be a helpful took in tracking who is seeing your posts, where they are located, and how far your reach actually spans. It is also helpful when developing content for your page as you can see what users are interested in and interacting with the most. 

• Be consistent
This is the key to developing a strong online brand identity. You need people (REAL PEOPLE), not automated posts to make your page a success. Your page should be alive and maintained on a daily basis. Also, it is important to realize that consistency doesn't mean repetition. Don't spam your readers with the same old post or same anticlimactic contests every week. Feel free to make changes and liven up your content choices. 

These are just a few helpful tips to gain positive traction on your professional Facebook page. 

Frey's blog post:

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Attack of the Apps

As of today, one in five phones in the world are smartphones. And on these smartphones, there are apps. What are apps? Well, they are named for their file extension, .app and first became prominent in 2008 as a way for smartphone users to connect with their favorite brands online as well as gain access to information online.

Who is using these apps? To give some perspective, the average American has over 28 apps on their smartphone. Out of these apps, normally at least 6 were paid for. 55% of smartphone users use their apps to access their many social networks on a daily basis and a large portion on these users are known for their multitasking skills. Smartphone apps are slowly but surely changing mobile etiquette as we know it.

Most people don't leave their home without their smartphone. Many users check their smartphone right before bed and first thing in the morning when they wake up. People are using their smartphones when they drive, go to the bathroom, and even when they are in social situations where they could actually be talking to people in real time. Apps may actually be taking over the world...

So, how can you use apps to market your business via the internet and mobile devices? There are a ton of ways to utilize our generations new addiction to better your business. Many businesses have their own apps, which boost sales and provide mobile advertising on the go. Other businesses are taking the time to build up their online reputation so when users search on apps like Yelp and UrbanSpoon, their brand is able to gain exposure and momentum in the marketplace.

Apps are also a great source of income. Although many app creators have issues engaging customers initially, when an app takes off in this heavily saturated market it gains momentum quickly, building brand awareness. Apps can make money through sales in the app store, a free subscription supported app, a free app with in-app purchases, or as a free ad-supported app.

Smartphone apps are a must-have for upcoming businesses that have a large presence online! Apps are used by a significant amount of mobile phone users and they are easy to make. In such a large marketplace, users have many options. Why not gain exposure for your brand by putting an app into the market for consumer use? Everyone's doing it... you probably should too!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pin with Purpose

Most Millennials have heard of Pinterest. If you haven't yet discovered this dynamic Internet marketing tool, you should take the time to check it out. Getting a Pinterest account is fairly simple. You must first sign up to be invited to Pinterest or be invited by a friend. It normally only takes up to 2 weeks to get invited to create an account.

Once invited, you create an account and start to build your collection of pin boards. You can then add photos to your boards or follow others' boards that are relevant to your personal interests. Many users follow boards that correspond to their hobbies, like home decorating, DIY crafting, and cooking. Other popular pin boards on Pinterest involve pictures of clothes, weddings, pets, and photography.

Pinterest is addictive for many users. It is simply designed and has an endless scrolling feature that makes it easy for users to stay on Pinterest for long periods of time. There is also plenty of space on Pinterest for all of its users' content. This site allows users to pin about their hopes and dreams, sometimes even escaping from day to day life and taking time to make plans for the future. Pinterest is accessible 24/7 online and users can get a quick self-esteem boost as others take the time to follow their personal pin boards.

In today's world, we are largely visual. We love to connect with one another through images and Pinterest offers a unique opportunity to both connect with friends and businesses online to show your personality and style. Pinning with purpose will help create higher recognition for your brand online, and those that follow your pin boards will often be those that are your ideal client. Pinterest can aid you in knowing what your client wants, can offer valuable information and insight into consumer dreams and desires, and serve as a personality platform for your brand to shine through your inspirations, ideas and advice.

If you pin, just keep these simple rules in mind to ensure you pin with purpose!
1) Be respectful of the Pinterest community.
2) Be authentic and take the time to show consumers what your brand is all about.
3) Credit your sources!

Start pinning with purpose today!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Just Add Drama

This weekend I stumbled upon an incredible marketing campaign by TNT called "Just Add Drama." It is possibly the most awesome interactive marketing stunt I've seen to date. This stunt is Internet related in the fact that it was recorded and became a viral video overnight, drawing in over 37,948,450 unique views in the 7 months it has been available on YouTube. 

TNT was preparing to launch its high quality channel in Belgium, but there was little to no brand recognition for TNT amongst the local peoples. In an effort to reach these unsuspecting consumers, TNT placed a "Push to Add Drama in the middle of a small town square and awesomeness happened!

The link to the "stunt" is below and you should watch it!

I thought that I would share this interactive viral video campaign in hopes that it provides some inspiration for struggling online marketers!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

1 square, 2 square, 3 square, FOUR!

Need a new way to attract customers to your business? foursquare may be a catalyst for your brand recognition.  foursquare is a popular mobile app that is all about where consumers go. Invented by two college students, Dennis Crowley and Naveen Selvadurai, in an effort to make something interactive for busy consumers on the go, this app has over 25 million users in the United State alone! With over 2.5 billion check-in's so far and over 1 billion businesses using  foursquare to promote their services, this app is on its way to being relevant for most businesses with a brick and mortar location.

 foursquare is easy to use and user updates are added immediately. All updates stay live on each user's profile for up to 2 weeks after the time of the check-in.  foursquare is highly visual and allows other consumers to see who is going to what businesses and how often they are going. It is common knowledge that customers want to go where other people are going and want to interact with a brand that other people are interacting with. This social element of  foursquare is what is keeping consumers engaged and interested in this app. Because it is all about customers and their opinions, it is easy to see that this app provides relatively transparent information from frequent visitors to various businesses.

 foursquare can be easily used by businesses both large and small, national and local. To claim your business online, just search for your listing and apply to be recognized as the manager of that location. From there,  foursquare will call you to verify that you are the business manager or supervisor of that location. Once your business profile is live, you will have the option to specialize deals for your location and have access to customer information through your personalized "Merchant Dashboard". This dashboard measures consumers total check-ins, average check-ins per day, gender, age, and location of customer base and the most popular times of day to run promotions. The benchmarking tools available on  foursquare are very useful and provide insights as to who is coming to your location and why they are visiting or continue to come back.

Once you have created your business profile, you can start creating specials for your customers that use  foursquare. You can add discounts, freebies, and loyalty specials to give customers an incentive to try your services for the first time or to reward those that regularly visit your business. The customer that is the most frequent patron of your business is known as the "Mayor" of your business on  foursquare and can have a large influence over how consumers view your brand.

As a business on  foursquare, you can have a page, like button, share with  foursquare button, and Partner badges. These marketing tools can be used in a myriad of ways to attract more consumers to your business. So, want to know who is coming to your business and what they think of your services? Download  foursquare on your mobile phone today to start engaging with your mobile consumers!